Greens will get back into Parliament - James Shaw

Greens leader James Shaw says he's not too worried by a Newshub-Reid research poll showing his party has dipped below the 5 percent threshold required to get into Parliament.

The poll will have been a concern for Shaw - and for Labour leader Jacinda Ardern - as their respective parties took a dive amid a 4 percentage-point surge from National.

But Mr Shaw says while it's going to be close, he won't take the new poll as a harbinger of what's to come.

"We're going to get back in, but we need every single vote if we're going to form part of the next Government," he told The AM Show on Wednesday morning.

"I always take any single poll with a grain of salt - I've always said that, even when we were polling much higher. I always look at the average poll of polls, and we're on about 6.5 to 7 percent in that.

"But it is tight, and we're going to need every single vote we can get."

Despite the Green Party's plight, Ms Ardern has ruled out any Labour deal that sees them handed an electorate seat - but there's no hard feelings from Mr Shaw.

"Frankly, we're both pretty busy right now in the campaign of our lives," he said.

"The Labour Party and the Green Party both have to increase our party votes, because otherwise we're not going to be able to change the government.

"[Ms Ardern and I] do talk - we talk every day. We've got a pretty busy schedule of announcements coming up. What we really need to focus on is making sure we actually get all the votes we can."

Mr Shaw says he's putting faith in the Green Party's extensive ground campaign to get them over the line.

"We're actually running, I believe, the best campaign we've run in the whole time I've been involved," he said.

"We've made over 130,000 direct contacts with voters, which is about 10 times what we did in the 2014 election. But as you say, the polls are pretty tight, so we've got to get out there."

The Green Party's polling strife came largely as a result of former co-leader Metiria Turei's admission of benefit and electoral fraud, and subsequent ousting - but Mr Shaw says now is not the time to think about past mistakes.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not spending any time looking in the rear-view mirror - I'm just focused on the next 10 days of the campaign," he said.

"There'll be some time for reflection after the election - but right now in our ground campaign, we're knocking on every door we can, we're making every phone call we can, and I'm going to every event I can."


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