Daniel Radcliffe to play Weird Al Yankovic in comedy biopic Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

Daniel Radcliffe will play comedy musician Weird Al Yankovic in an upcoming biopic. 

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story will see Harry Potter star Radcliffe embody the 'Eat It' hitmaker, who has won five Grammy awards for his parody songwriting and performance.

The film will be produced by Funny or Die, with the tongue-in-cheek press release declaring the biopic will explore Yankovic's life "from his meteoric rise to fame... to his torrid celebrity love affairs and famously depraved lifestyle". 

Vulture points out that "real fans" know Yankovic to be a "vegetarian, teetotaling churchgoer". 

"When my last movie UHF came out in 1989, I made a solemn vow to my fans that I would release a major motion picture every 33 years, like clockwork," Yankovic said in a statement. 

"I'm very happy to say we’re on schedule." 

Of the movie's lead, Yankovic said: "I am absolutely thrilled that Daniel Radcliffe will be portraying me in the film. I have no doubt whatsoever that this is the role future generations will remember him for." 

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story is being produced for streaming service Roku, where it will be available exclusively in the US. 

Director Eric Appel, who co-wrote the film with Yankovic, said: "When Weird Al first sat me down against my will and told me his life story, I didn't believe any of it, but I knew that we had to make a movie about it." 

The feature film is set to begin filming in February in Los Angeles. 

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