Campaign to get Aotearoa into annual Eurovision Song Contest gathers pace

A campaign to get New Zealand into the annual Eurovision Song Contest is gaining strength with foreign interest overseas picking up.

Last week, comedy musical act Two Hearts launched a song 'Eurovision (Open Up)' aimed at getting Aotearoa into the flamboyant annual competition.

The "official unofficial" entry has already had some love in New Zealand, but since posting it on Instagram, one of its co-creators - comedian Laura Daniel - has had messages of support from a Eurovision Song Contest podcast and others abroad.

Daniel told The Project NZ she's deadly serious about the push to include New Zealand, especially as Australia has been allowed to compete for the past eight years despite the competition traditionally being exclusively open to Europeans. Daniel, who watches it every year, says it's time Kiwis got into it too.

"Every country in Europe gets to make a song, their whole country gets behind it," she said.

"I believe in us. When Kiwis are given an opportunity to excel on the world stage, they do. I know we are a little bit low key, but I think we'd do a great job. We could always team up."

Daniel said she believed "some of the greatest Eurovision entries have like opera quality mixed with pop groups".

Watch the video from the Project above.