Dai Henwood reveals the NZ Warriors 'buoy' him up during cancer treatment

Dai Henwood says his love of the One NZ Warriors rugby league team is one of the things that helps him deal with his incurable bowel cancer.

Sharing a video on Instagram where he was talking about commentating on the NRL, Henwood says the team are "a massive highlight" in his life.

He also said reminiscing over the team's previous wins has helped him when he had to undergo chemotherapy.

"I'm four rounds into six rounds of this current one, I've just done 18 rounds and it's bloody tough. And I'm suffering mentally and physically, it's an absolute shambles," Henwood said.

"Honestly, when I'm going through chemo, I watch old Warriors wins. I pore over Warriors stats.

"The New Zealand Warriors are something that is a massive highlight in my life, win, lose or draw. They just buoy me up and it's league as a hobby that I absolutely love."

Henwood also thanked his fans and the team for distracting him from his health.

"You fill up my bucket and you make me forget about having cancer, and that is a massive thing because cancer's something I think about 24/7."

The comedian has undergone high-dose radiation, three lung surgeries and having parts of his liver and bowel removed.

In January, Henwood spoke to The Project about the diagnosis and told them: "Cancer doesn't define me. How I respond to it defines me."

Last month, Henwood shared tips on how to provide support for others undergoing chemotherapy as well as answering questions sent to him via social media app TikTok.

He was asked by a commenter about how best to provide support for a friend undergoing chemotherapy and what a "great chemo care pack would look like".

While wishing the commenter's friend the best for their journey, Henwood suggested an Uber Eats voucher to someone's account, or texting to offer to pick up a certain food the person might be craving.

He also made note of saying those undergoing radiation may like hand cream, moisturiser, or body oil, and even something simple like a new toothbrush and sensitive toothpaste, as oral hygiene is "really important" during treatment.