Brothels prepare for big Fieldays event

Fieldays is about to kick off - and it means big money for Hamilton brothels. Sex workers from across the North Island are flooding in, with up to 18 girls working at night at one brothel.

The annual farming and agriculture trade show at Mystery Creek runs from Wednesday to Saturday this week. Well over 100,000 people are expected to attend - and brothels are expecting a lot of pent-up demand as eager punters pump large wads of cash into the sex industry.

"There is a definite buzz over Fieldays and it's great for the economy," a spokesperson for brothel California Girls told Newshub.

"Our customer numbers noticeably increase and we see a lot of new faces and out-of-towner's coming in. Fieldays compares to a busy four-day weekend."

A spokesperson for Club 140 says Hamilton becomes a "hive of activity" with customer numbers increasing between 30 and 50 percent.

"I think it is excellent for the local economy as I'm sure everyone's profits increase with a large amount of population moving in for a week or more," they told Newshub.

In order to handle the increased number of customers, brothels are taking on extra staff for Fieldays. 

"Inquiries from girls wanting to work come from across the North Island and we increase shift numbers accordingly with up to 18 girls working at night," a spokesperson for California Girls told Newshub.

"Extra staff work reception to help keep things running smoothly and our out-call service also increases significantly."

Club 140 agrees, saying they cover Fieldays with a lot of planning and extra staff to cope with the numbers. But it's not all about sex. Brothels say they offer a place for people to come in and unwind.

"Not everyone who comes up to our place is here to just see the ladies," Club 140 told Newshub.

"We are the only fully licensed brothel in Hamilton and it's also known for somewhere to come and just enjoy a quiet drink."


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