Chaotic Auckland motorway road rage caught on camera

Bizarre scenes of road rage have been caught on camera on an Auckland motorway, resulting in a chaotic foot chase and leaving passing commuters stunned.

A driver is seen sideswiping another vehicle on the Southwestern Motorway in Māngere, with the incident taking place on Monday afternoon.

The video then shows one of the cars - looking very worse for wear - pulled over on the motorway's Puhinui Rd off-ramp. 

That's when more chaos unfolds. A man believed to be the driver of the crashed car is then seen chasing another man along the off-ramp wielding some sort of object.

"I can't believe this all unfolded in front of me," said the person who shared the video on social media.

It is unclear what happened after the filming stopped. Police said officers attended the incident and while the crashed car remained at the scene, both drivers had left.

Social media users were shocked at what unfolded.

Chaotic Auckland motorway road rage caught on camera
Photo credit: Yale Nuki/TikTok

"To see this actually happening would be mind-blowing - hope no one was harmed," one TikTok user commented.

"Imagine being late and trying to explain this to your boss," another social media user said.

Police confirmed an investigation is underway. A spokesperson said witnesses and one of the drivers has been spoken with.

"Our enquiries are ongoing in relation to the driver of the second vehicle."