Upper Hutt icon Angus the Countdown Cat passes away

  • 31/01/2024
Angus the Countdown Cat.
Angus the Countdown Cat. Photo credit: Facebook

Upper Hutt's iconic cat Angus Ernest McTaggert, aka Angus the Countdown Cat, has passed away. 

Angus, who would greet shoppers at the local supermarket, has been a bit of a celebrity in Upper Hutt, boasting 3000 followers on Facebook. 

However, on Tuesday, owner Karen Piper posted the sad news on social media, revealing Angus had died after a short illness. 

"I know you will miss having a wee pat and chat with him. His mission was to bring people joy and he achieved that," she said. 

"He had an amazing life, lived the way he wanted to and had lots of adventures along the way." 

A typical day would see Angus up at 3am to meet the bakers at Countdown then heading back home for breakfast. By 6am he would be back at the supermarket greeting staff as they arrive. After a long nap at home, he will head back later in the day, hanging out near the shop's entrance. 

Earlier this month, The Post suggested the cat's popularity had reached the point where he could run for mayor. 

Since his death, people have flocked to social media to send their condolences. 

"He did what he loved until the end. Going across the road to meet people and get pats brought him joy," one person said. 

"Rest in light and love dear Angus. Sending love and purrrrs to your mum Karen and to all your adoring fans who loved to stop and have a chat n pet at the supermarket," another said. 

Angus was 17 years old when he died. 
