Nameless 'Brand new airline' offering free travel to person with best name suggestion

Sadly, Planey McPlaneface is out.
Sadly, Planey McPlaneface is out. Photo credit: Getty/Newshub

A new airline is set to take-off in South Africa, but it's missing one thing - a name.

"Brand new airline" is a company backed by aviation entrepreneur Gidon Novick, and charter airline, Global Aviation. They have the planes, the money, the routes, but they just can't settle on a name.

The company is offering travel to the value of NZ$43,600 as part of a competition on its website to find a winning name.

"It’s time for some good news for South Africans. It’s time for a better way to fly, It’s time for a brand new airline," the website says.

Worst airline name? Its name stands for 'Special Cargo Air Transport'.
Worst airline name? Its name stands for 'Special Cargo Air Transport'. Photo credit: File.

Local media described the team behind the venture as "customer obsessed" and that they are drawing inspiration from Uber.

The first flight will be on one of the world's busiest routes,  between Johannesburg and Cape Town, and is planned for December 2020.

It's likely the airline will use A320 aircraft as the parent company has a large fleet of the single-aisle Airbus aircraft.

The only prerequisite for any entry is that it must be "unique, aspirational, and cool," which means sadly, Planey McPlaneface is out.

If an airline was to do the same in New Zealand and ask for name suggestions, what names would you put forward? Let us know in our Newshub Travel Facebook group.