Kanoa Lloyd's 'chocolate box comeback' gaffe causes mayhem on The Project

The Project NZ host Kanoa Lloyd felt "terrible" after an unfortunate gaffe on Tuesday night's show that left everyone in fits of laughter and briefly unable to carry on.

During a segment about the return of certain chocolates to New Zealand shelves, Lloyd became tongue-tied.

"Long time fans of Cadbury's Roses chocolates will be saying thank you very much with the return of three original flavours," she said.

"After getting ditched back in 2018, strawberry cream, orange cream and peppermint cream are making a come box - er, a come box..." she continued, before trailing off in shock.

"'Comeback' is the term, I believe," comedian and guest host Guy Williams said.

As Lloyd held her head in her hands, co-host Patrick Gower interjected: "It's all good - [but this] is not a nightmare, we're actually on live TV."

"You know it's going badly when the people in the production office cut to me to steady the ship. I'm not going to steady the ship, I'm going to make things worse," Williams said, before asking Lloyd how she felt.

"I feel terrible!" she confessed.

Watch the full blooper video above.